Viking-Cives Midwest Gathers Toys for Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots
Our Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots box is full and the time has come to spread holiday cheer. Here at Viking we are proud supporters of our community and during the holiday season we like to give back. Toys4Tots Marines gives us the opportunity to reach out to those who are in need during the Holiday season. This incredible foundation is ran by an amazing group of service based individuals working to bring joy to children within our community. We would like to say thank you to everyone for your generous donations and to the service members for their service.
This year making the donation on behalf of Viking-Cives Midwest, Inc was Operations Manager Daniel Wheeler. Happy Holidays everyone! hashtag Toys4Tots

Viking-Cives Midwest Gathers Toys for Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots
Our Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots box is full and the time has come to spread holiday cheer. Here at Viking we are proud supporters of our community and during the holiday season we like to give back. Toys4Tots Marines gives us the opportunity to reach out to those who are in need during […]

Cives Steel Gathers Toys for Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots Drive
Cives Steel’s Mid-West Division proudly participated in the Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots Drive. Through a collective effort, the dedicated employees of the Mid-West Division gathered over 50 toys, bringing joy to local children this holiday season.

South West Division 5th Anniversary marked with a festive Trunk or Treat event
On October 7th, the South West Division marked its 5th Anniversary with a festive Trunk or Treat event. Employees and their families were invited to join the celebration, which featured costume contests, a variety of games, and an array of food trucks. The lively event was filled with music, numerous games, and exciting prizes for […]